
Handmade Soap Colours

To Discount or Not to Discount?

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Soap Offcuts

Something I have noticed in the last year or so is businesses are discounting more and more,  offering free shipping on smaller orders and regular sales.  

As a small business we have always priced for good value and to cover our costs and there isn't much wiggle room to discount heavily or often.  I assume that this is because the economy has been struggling and people and therefore businesses are struggling so they feel the need to discount to attract customers and keep the money coming in.  What I have been wondering is how do you as customers feel about it?  Do you love a sale or a discount or do you start to feel a little cynical if it happens a lot?  

I am sure there are many businesses that price to factor this in but we are not one of them and I am also sure that a lot of small businesses end up making less money on products because of it.  Do you think this is a short term trend while the economy is struggling or a shift towards companies having to compete more and more with discounting and devalue their products or increase prices to allow a margin for discounts?   We do often run our super popular ends sales and honestly the reason we don't offer the ends as a regular product is because we need to get someone in to help put them together so we wait until we have a load made up and you all seem to love that.

I would absolutely love your feedback on this topic if you have 5 minutes to spare

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  1. Claire

    Hello to the gang. This is a tricky one, because everyone is always looking to make a living and or spend as little as possible. In this day and age, we seem more and more to want something for nothing, so the big companies outprice the smaller family businesses. In time people will realise that what they are left with are inferior products, mass produced and shoddy garments, products tested on animals and polluting the environment. All this to maybe save a couple of pounds at the expense of human, animal and environmental lives. We absolutely love your soaps. I was given a gift pack of the guest soaps and I am completely sold on every level. I do think it is possibly a passing phase and people will realise that supporting local or family run businesses is worth a little extra. Your soap lasts me so much longer than ordinary soap and my skin has improved dramatically. I do hope that people start to realise that a little extra pound here and there will actually save more money in the long run. Paying slightly more, but needing less saves money. In this very instant World it?s easy to get caught up in the deals and the moment. Slowing down and a little thought about what you?re actually getting for your money might surprise people. We wish you well in your endeavours and from our family to yours, thank you for the little moments of luxury your products give us in this otherwise crazy World.

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  2. Pam Land

    If I love a product, I will continue to purchase it as needed rather than waiting for sales. I'm also sceptical of frequent sales and discounts, as this can be when businesses try to sell off old stock. Frequent significant discounts on low-priced items surely affect profitability, especially in tough economic times. I'm more attracted to discounts on bulk buy items.

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